Freelance 3D Artist and Designer “Monaco Felice”.BACK TO PORTFOLIO
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Wall Sculpture
Bas-Relief Portrait of Jesus Christ

This work is based on a unique sculpture found in my father's workshop.
…Unfortunately, we didn't see each other much in the last years of his life and I don't know the story of his sculpture…
but I have always liked this work and for many years I have intended to recreate it using my skills in digital art and 3D printing …so finally I did it!
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Wall Sculpture
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Wall Sculpture
…a few more additional images in various shaders
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Wall Sculpture
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Wall Sculpture
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Wall Sculpture
The original version of the sculpture was made as a wall bas-relief, so I made an additional option with a stand in the form of palm leaves.
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Wall Sculpture
…and I also 3D printed this sculpture in original size (about 15 cm) …but of course, thanks to modern technologies, now I can do it in a wide range of sizes
3D Printed Sculpture of Jesus Christ Portrait
Original artwork from my father's workshop.
Portrait of Jesus Christ Bas-Relief Classic Style
You may find that in my version I have removed the crown of thorns, which is a common feature of the image of Jesus, a mark of distinction, so to speak.
After all, no one knows exactly what Jesus was like (well, maybe someone does …but I'm sure that most don't), usually artists just make an image, putting a crown of thorns on his head and crucifying him — this is Jesus Christ …well you know…
My vision/aspiration was to create a light and noble image that people would want to turn to in their prayers. Indeed, to a certain extent, the image is familiar to everyone …but without thorns and crosses…
Well, I hope you get my point and agree with me.